
Life Insurance Checklist Secure Your Loved One’s Future

Elaine Brookes Steve Case

Author: Steve Case - Insurance Expert

Reviewed & Fact Checked By: Elaine Brookes

Updated: 8th December 2023

life insurance checklist

Picking the appropriate life insurance policy can be a perplexing challenge, with numerous options and policies to select from – it’s easy to feel overwhelmed.

With so many providers and policies, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. That’s why we’ve put together the ultimate life insurance checklist – designed to help you make informed decisions when shopping around for your ideal coverage plan.

From understanding your needs and comparing policies & providers to considering additional coverage options and understanding the application process, our comprehensive checklist will ensure that you have all of the information needed before signing on any dotted lines.

Take control of protecting those who matter most with our ultimate life insurance checklist today.

9 Things You Need To Know About Life Insurance

  • Life insurance is a contract between an individual and an insurer that pays out a lump sum in the event of death or terminal illness.
  • Different types of life insurance policies are available, including whole-of-life, term assurance and endowment plans.
  • Premiums vary depending on factors such as age, health status and lifestyle habits, so comparing quotes from multiple providers is important before deciding which policy is best for you.
  • The amount of cover required should be tailored to your personal circumstances – consider how much money would be needed by those left behind if something happened to you unexpectedly.
  • Life insurance can also provide additional benefits, such as critical illness coverage and income protection in some cases. Still, these features come at extra cost, so they should be weighed up against the overall price tag when choosing a policy.
  • Choosing the right type of life insurance is important and ensuring that any changes made over time are reflected accurately within the policy document. There could be serious implications for beneficiaries later down the line.
  • Reviewing your policy regularly and considering whether it still meets your needs is essential, as life circumstances can change quickly.
  • Be aware that if you stop paying premiums, the cover will cease, so ensure you can maintain payments over time before committing to a particular plan.
  • Finally, always read through the terms and conditions of any policy carefully before signing up – understanding what is covered (and excluded) in advance will help ensure no surprises later on down the line.

Understand Your Needs

Contemplating your life insurance requirements necessitates an examination of numerous variables. First, you must determine what type of coverage is right for you.

There are two main types of life insurance: Term and Whole of life.

  • Term life insurance provides coverage for a specific period and pays out only if the policyholder dies during that period;
  • Whole of life insurance offers lifelong protection with additional features such as cash value accumulation or tax-deferred growth potential.

Once you have established your personal circumstances, determine the coverage amount that best suits your needs.

This will depend on your age, health status, lifestyle choices (e.g., smoking), and family size (number of dependents).

Generally speaking, experts recommend that individuals purchase enough coverage so their loved ones can maintain their current standard of living in the event of their death.

When it comes to life insurance, mull over what economic objectives you wish to attain with the policy; this could range from supplying a revenue substitute for a partner or aiding in settling debts such as student loans or mortgages upon death.

With careful consideration and research into all these factors, you can ensure that the policy you choose meets your present needs and future requirements.

Before deciding on life insurance, one must identify needs. A clear idea of the coverage and amount you require is essential before evaluating policies and providers.

#LifeInsurance is an important decision. Ensure you make the right decision for your life insurance coverage by following our comprehensive checklist. #FinancialGoals Click to Tweet

Compare Policies and Providers

Exploring the various life insurance offerings on the market is key to selecting a plan that suits your requirements. Identifying the characteristics that affect pricing and comprehending how they vary between plans can help you make a judicious selection.

When comparing policy features and benefits, consider death benefit amounts, premiums, riders, and other options such as accelerated death benefits or return of premium riders. You should also take into account customer service ratings when selecting a provider.

Verify that you are familiar with each policy’s particulars before agreeing to them to avoid any unexpected issues later.

When selecting a life insurance policy, cost should be considered alongside other factors, such as premiums based on age, health status, and lifestyle choices. Premiums vary depending on age, health status, lifestyle choices, etc.

Examine immediate and long-term expenses (monthly payments plus the total sum spent). It is essential to review any extra charges related to certain plans or suppliers before settling on a choice.

It’s advisable to check out ratings and critiques of different insurers before purchasing a life insurance policy, so you can be sure that your chosen life insurance provider offers dependable claims processing and excellent customer service.

This can give you insight into their customer service quality and overall reliability in paying out claims quickly and efficiently when needed, providing peace of mind that comes from knowing you have chosen the right provider for your circumstances.

When assessing policies and insurers, it is essential to consider the cost of coverage and its features and advantages. Additionally, consider adding additional riders such as accidental death benefit riders or waiver of premium riders for more comprehensive protection.

Check out our ultimate life insurance checklist to compare policies and find the best coverage for your needs. Learn what features to look for, understand policy terms, and read reviews of providers before signing up. #LifeInsurance Click to Tweet

Consider Additional Coverage Options

For optimal protection, consider exploring various life insurance options and their corresponding riders, such as accidental death benefit, waiver of premium, and long-term care.

  • Accidental death benefit riders can provide an extra layer of security if a policyholder dies due to an accident or injury. This type of rider pays a lump sum in addition to the regular life insurance benefits. Knowing that these plans may not encompass fatalities resulting from particular activities, such as skydiving or bungee jumping, is essential.
  • Waiver of premium riders allow policyholders who become disabled or ill during their policy period to waive premiums while they are unable to work and still receive full benefits from their life insurance policy when they pass away.
  • Long-term care riders provide financial protection if an individual becomes chronically ill during their lifetime and requires assistance with everyday activities. Payouts from these policies can be either lump sum or regular payments, depending on the plan.

Anyone considering life insurance should thoroughly examine all possible plans to ensure they and their families are properly safeguarded.

When looking into extra coverage, it is essential to be aware of the particulars of each option and how they can help you.

To ensure that your life insurance policy meets your needs, look at the application process, which involves gathering necessary documents, completing an application form and submitting medical information.

Key Thought: A comprehensive life insurance policy should include additional coverage options such as an accidental death benefit rider, a waiver of premium rider and a long term care rider to ensure the best protection possible. To make sure you and your loved ones are fully covered in any situation, it is essential that all available coverage options are thoroughly investigated.

Understand the Application Process

Comprehending the procedure for applying for life insurance is essential. Gathering all necessary documents beforehand will help ensure your application is processed quickly and accurately.

The next step in the process is completing the application form. Be sure to answer all questions truthfully and accurately to avoid delays or potential rejections due to incorrect information being provided. For any queries regarding the application, contact your insurer before submission for clarification.

Finally, some insurers may require additional medical information from you to assess your risk profile more accurately before approving a policy.

Depending on your age and health history, this could include blood tests or urine samples, so be prepared if your chosen provider requires this.

Be aware that supplying incorrect or incomplete data may lead to increased premiums or even denial of coverage; thus, make sure you provide exact information when questioned during this part of the procedure.

Realising the application procedure’s intricacies is imperative to ensure that your life insurance policy suits your requirements.

Don’t get caught off guard when applying for life insurance. Be prepared with the right documents and accurate information to ensure a smooth application process. #LifeInsuranceChecklist Click to Tweet

Review Your Policy Regularly

It’s essential to periodically evaluate your life insurance policy to guarantee it suits your current needs and financial objectives.

By monitoring changes in your health status and financial situation, you can ensure that your coverage is adequate for your needs.

Check for Changes in Your Health Status:

When it comes to life insurance policies, health plays a major role. It’s important to check with your doctor periodically so they can assess any changes in your health status that may affect the cost of coverage or even eligibility for certain policies.

Make sure to keep track of any medications or treatments as well as lifestyle choices, such as smoking or drinking alcohol, that could potentially impact the premiums on a policy.

Monitoring fluctuations in financial standing is essential when it comes to life insurance; alterations in income can necessitate the readjustment of the coverage amount.

Be aware of any job losses, promotions, investments, and debts—all these things should be factored into deciding how much life insurance coverage is right for you at any given point.

Finally, don’t forget to update beneficiaries when needed. Suppose something happens and a beneficiary has passed away since setting up their policy. In that case, this must be changed immediately so that other designated people receive the benefits upon passing away.

It is also worth considering whether some assets might require different types of beneficiaries than others (for example, trusts), which should all be updated where applicable, too – not just those listed on an individual’s life insurance policy documents.

Key Thought: Keeping an eye on your physical and fiscal circumstances is vital to making sure the life insurance you have stays sufficient. Be sure to check for changes, update beneficiaries as needed, and review any investments or debts which may affect the amount of coverage necessary – all this will help you stay ‘on top’ of your policy.

FAQs concerning The Ultimate Life Insurance Checklist

What is life insurance?

Life Insurance provides comprehensive coverage for policyholders and their families, including protection from death, disability, critical illness or terminal illness. It offers protection from death, disability, critical illness or terminal illness.

Life Insurance can offer assurance in the event of an unexpected happening, enabling your relatives to sustain their way of life even after you are gone.

Will My Dependents Face an Inheritance Tax Bill on the Payout of my UK life insurance policy?

Regarding inheritance tax, the answer to whether your dependents will face a bill on payout of your UK life insurance policy is not a simple yes or no. Depending on the size of your estate and other factors, they may be liable for inheritance tax.

In general, life insurance payouts are made tax-free to beneficiaries. However, if the total value of your estate is more than £325,000, inheritance tax (IHT) will be deducted from your insurance payout.

If you have a large estate and leave behind a life insurance policy that pays out a lump sum after your death, those who receive it could have to pay IHT on it.

It’s important to note that money from life insurance policies can form part of your legal estate unless you take action to prevent this from happening.

If you’re concerned about how much inheritance tax might be due when you die, it’s worth speaking to an expert who can advise you on how best to financially protect yourself and your loved ones.

When shouldn’t I take out life insurance?

In general, you should consider taking out life insurance if other people depend on your income or if you have debt that will carry on after your death.

However, there are also times when taking out life insurance may not be necessary. For example, suppose you are single and do not have any dependents or financial obligations that would need to be covered in the event of your death.

In that case, it may not be necessary for you to take out a life insurance policy. Additionally, if you already have enough assets and savings to cover any potential debts or expenses arising after your death, then a life insurance policy may not be necessary either.

Ultimately, whether or not to take out a life insurance policy should be based on your individual needs and circumstances. It is important to weigh all of the pros and cons before deciding so that you can make an informed choice about what is best for you and your family.


When looking for a life insurance policy, remember that each one and its provider will be unique. Use our ultimate life insurance checklist as a guide to ensure you get the best coverage and value for your money.

From understanding your needs to reviewing your policy regularly, this comprehensive list can help ensure that all your bases are covered when selecting an appropriate plan.

Thoroughly researching and assessing all potential choices can lead to the ideal life insurance policy for yourself and those who rely on you economically.

Secure the future of your loved ones with a life insurance policy from Insurance Hero. Compare and find the best plan for you today.